Group Meeting Six

Based on chapter 7.

A heart that has been changed by the gospel will overflow with generosity.

Discussion Questions:

1. On pages 148–151, Justin defines concept of life: the story or inner picture in your mind that forms your perspective on the things you value. For example, some people think that life is a race. Others see life as a party. Scripture teaches that life is a stewardship. Have you viewed your life as a stewardship? Do you live as though everything
you have belongs to God? How does this concept of life challenge you?

2. Justin compares the story of the rich young ruler (Mark 10) and the story of Eustace in the Chronicles of Narnia (see also pages 152–155 in BYO). He writes that Christianity is a radical change of heart caused by a profound revelation that God loves you. How has the love of God changed the way you think about money?

3. Because God is generous and Christians are in the process of being formed in his image, generosity is directly linked to spiritual growth. The first challenge is to make generosity a priority in your life. This means that you set aside money to give before doing anything else! (See pages 157–159 in BYO.) How does the idea of priority giving
challenge you? Have you practiced priority giving? What has been the result?

4. The principle of tithing is found throughout Scripture. And Bury Your Ordinary pages 159–162 discuss the topic of percentage giving. What stood out to you in this section?

5. The book of Proverbs teaches that the world of the generous grows larger and larger, while the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller (Proverbs 11:24–25 MSG). Have you found this to be true in your life? What holds you back from a life of greater generosity?

6. As you reflect on the content of Bury Your Ordinary chapter 7, where do you sense God challenging you? What is your next step in the pursuit of generosity?