Group Meeting Five

Based on chapter 6

God's boundaries are not intended to limit your life. They are designed to give you an abundant life.

Discussion Questions:

1. Chapter 6 of Bury Your Ordinary begins with the topic of intimacy. In our culture, intimacy is almost always linked to sex, but the deepest intimacy in life is not sexual. Instead, it comes from a deep connection to God. As you reflect on your life, what lies have you believed about sex? In what areas has the narrative of our culture influenced your view of sex?

2. On pages 128–131, Justin describes some of the dangers we face when we don’t understand God’s design for sexuality. Pornography and other sexual activity outside of marriage create a deep invisible bond. In the end, sexual experiences outside of God’s design lead to greater emptiness rather than greater fulfillment. Honestly share your experience with sexual sin. Where have you struggled? Where have you found victory?

3. Proverbs 7 gives us a vivid picture of how sexual temptation works (see also pages 133–136 in BYO). What can you identify with in this story?

4. On pages 137–139, Justin outlines four important boundaries that enable a follower of Jesus to live in sexual purity. As you reflect on these boundaries, what do you need to do differently in your pursuit of sexual purity? How is God challenging you to grow in this area?

5. On pages 141–143, Justin explains how the Old Testament story of Gomer is a powerful picture of redemption. Sometimes when we are trapped in sin, we feel hopeless. In what ways can you relate to Gomer’s story? What is your next step to living within the accountability of biblical sexual boundaries?